China forcing Africans to sleep outside during the coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus: Africans sleep outside in China

Guangzhou city in China has subjected Africans to COVID-19 related and unjustified evictions and discrimination. They are forcing Africans out of their homes and making them sleep in cold weather outside during coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the action taken against African in the city includes subduing them to stay inside their apartments regardless if they have travelled or not. They are also forced to submit to coronavirus tests as Washington Post reports. Hotel guests who are Africans are also ordered to leave their rooms to sleep outside in China

The news originated from a Facebook video and is flagged as inaccurate. However, news sites including BBC have confirmed that it is in fact true.

Chinese nationals are accusing Africans of the being behind the second flood of the spread of coronavirus in the country. This is considered a racial prejudice as African leaders indicated that the eviction is racists and are confronting China.

China is denying that evicting Africans and making them sleep outside during coronavirus pandemic has to do with race. Officials say that they are trying to prevent a second wave of the coronavirus and therefore focusing on foreigners.

A statement from the Chinese embassy in Zimbabwe said: “It is harmful to sensationalize isolated incidents. China treats all individuals in the country, Chinese and foreign alike, as equals.” 

CNN also reports that over two dozen Africans are left homeless. They are quarantined without any contact with a case and randomly forced to take COVID-19 test.

Read Also: WHO warns about the intake of alcohol during the lockdown

The Washington Post also published photos and videos of Africans who have been forced out their homes and hotel rooms sleeping on roadsides.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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