WHO Addresses COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Says Countries Will Decide

COVID-19 Vaccine Nigeria

It is very unlikely that countries will create strong recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine except it is under professional circumstances as the World Health Organisation, WHO, noted on Tuesday.

However, the deaths and suffering caused by COVID-19 should lay a ground for the decision to take the vaccines.

According to WHO “each individual will make a decision for themselves about the value that they place on the vaccine”.

The WHO says it considers the issues of hesitancy and questions about the vaccine legitimate. Therefore, it wants people to be informed and it is important to the organisation to share information and its regulatory process and transparency.

The United Kingdom takes the lead as countries prepare to role out the COVID-19 vaccine. With regards to this, the WHO says it expects more countries to authorise the vaccines having seen the efficacy.

WHO on COVID-19 Vaccine

The WHO urges countries to prioritise vaccinating people who are most in need based on the values framework and population prioritisation road map issued by WHO strategic advisory group of experts on immunization.

The document provides information on who should get the vaccination first and lays out the values that inform these recommedations.

Vaccinating health workers in risk zone will help protect them and the health system Dr Tedros Adhanem, DG WHO said.

“People who are at high risk of disease, death or as a result of age are also high priority group because protecting them will reduce severe disease and deaths and take the burden off health systems”.

Without knowing exactly how the virus jumps, the WHO advises more social distancing and to avoid hugging. This could help break the chains of transmission.

Certain behaviours of the coronavirus – how it transmits or how long immunity lasts – the WHO recommends the seroprevalence testing.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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