Emirates Airline to Bring Nigerians in Dubai Back Home

Emirates to Bring Nigerians Back

As the COVID-19 pandemic rises, people who are trapped in other countries are beginning to itch to go home. The Nigeria government announced that they will be evacuating citizens in other countries soon. The presidential task force, PTF on COVID-19, announced that it will commence 6 Wednesday with Emirates airline to Bring Nigerians in Dubai back.

Foreign Affairs Minister Geoffrey Onyeama said in a statement that Nigerians from Dubai will be transported to Lagos starting Wednesday.

The airline which was originally proposed to take up the task weeks ago was cancelled earlier. This is due to the grounding of flights as Nigeria was not ready to receive flights at the time. Airports in Nigeria have been shut down for weeks now since March.

As COVID-19 continues to spread, there is still no sign of resumption yet.

Emirates airline indicated that they will have a flight from Dubai on Wednesday, hence they can bring Nigerians in the UAE home.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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