Top Blogs in Nigeria Are Dead – The Reasons That Happened

Blogs Dead in Nigeria

A lot of blogs in Nigeria from the early 2010s are now pronounced dead despite being among the top in their prime. Would it be that blogging is entirely dead or did these blogs just go down as new ones rose?

With over 500 million active blogs worldwide and more coming up every day, the competition is huge. This makes blogging seem like it isn’t viable or sustainable anymore especially as a full-time job.

To a large extent, that is true and hence the answer to the question – is blogging dead in Nigeria? – isn’t easy.

Why Many Blogs in Nigeria are Dead and How to Rebuild

All the blogging practises and strategies that used to be relevant in the beginning are going obsolete. These outdated practices are blog killers since the field has changed a lot. So what should you stop doing as a blogger in Nigeria and how do you rebuild your blog?

Sharing plenty of articles in one day to get more traffic and hence increase revenue is an old practice that is now killing many blogs. The times when the internet needed so many articles is no more. What search engines want now is high-quality content on a topic you know well.

With thousands of articles already written on the most popular topics, you now have to find a way to stand out in that huge crowd. Focus on quality over quantity.

Personal blogging used to be a big thing as people enjoy reading about families and lifestyles. While it’s still a thing, that genre has now mostly moved to social media. Don’t use your blog site to tell personal stories, use it to inform.

Snappy headlines are just clickbait that people use to catch readers in the past. That used to work but now readers and even search engines are learning to recognize headers overselling its content.

Non-exclusive blogging isn’t a professional way to blog. People want to connect with the writer of an article on specific issues.

Take entertainment, for example, lots of top sites cover the topic and you don’t want to start a blog in that niche – narrow it down to music, or just movies.

If you choose lifestyle as a topic for your website, break it down further. Otherwise, you will have to compete with top established websites covering the topic already.

Blogging in this era is at your own discretion as Google could also jostle a website at will like Linda Ikeji’s blog. This is often the major killer of any website as it cuts down traffic and earnings.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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