Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE e-Filing portal, X-Filing for securities listing

NSE e-Filing portal

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE or The Exchange) has announced the launch of its e-Filing Portal, X-Filing, to enhance securities listing.

The Exchange upgraded its Issuers’ Portal, X-Issuer to X-Filing to make it a fully integrated, secure web interface. It is designed to enable the submission and processing of securities listing applications online.

The Portal provides Dealing Member Firms (DMFs) and other accredited sponsors with a simple, efficient and convenient way to submit securities listing applications on behalf of issuers as well as enable The Exchange to process the applications online, saving time and resources.

NSE e-Filing, X-Filing

The NSE hopes to drive regulatory objectives and ease compliance for stakeholders through technology according to the Executive Director, Regulation, NSE, Ms Tinuade Awe. 

The NSE e-Filing portal, X-Filing is accessible via, X-filling portal has functions that allow the submission, review and approval of securities listing applications; generation of listing and application reports; and easy tracking of application status.

The new version of the NSE X-filing will also allow Issuers to manage their securities listings and other applications from anywhere they choose at any time.

Users of the Portal can check estimated listing and application fees and make payment online.

These features are capable of enhancing the competitiveness of the Nigerian capital market as a global listing destination.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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