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No Mask, No Entry, No Service – VP Osinbajo Warns Of Rising COVID-19 Cases

COVID-19 Osinbajo

COVID-19 Osinbajo

FG concerned about resurging COVID-19 – Prof Osinbajo

The Federal Government is showing more concern over the surge of COVID-19 and a possible second wave with new all-time highs increasing.

As of December 17, Nigeria has recorded over 75 000 cases of COVID-19 and on the said date alone, 1,145 new cases.

The vice president, Yomi Osinbajo released a notice to say that the FG “resolved to ensure rigorous and strict enforcement of certain interventions”.

According to the VP concerns about the resurgence of COVID-19 were raised at the just concluded National Economic Council meeting which led to the resolutions that he listed as follows:

FG’s resolution on rising COVID-19 cases

I. Restrict all physical gathering instead, opt for virtual meetings whenever possible. If physical meetings must be held, ensure there is adequete ventilation of the room, limit the number of attendees, wear face masks, maintain a physical distance of at least two meters and adhere to other public health measures.

II. No mask, no enter, no service – all staff member, visitors and customers entering the workplace, shops or business premises must wear a face mask that should cover the mouth and nose at all times and should not remove them especially if speaking to another person at close proximity.

III. Temperature checks must be carried out on all employees and customers entering office and business premises. (persons with temperature above 38 degree Celsius would be denied entry and advised to go for a health check).

IV. All offices and business premises must have a handwashing station with running water and soap or hand sanitizer at the entrance. Employers and business owners have a responsibility to ensure hand sanitizers are always refilled and soap and water always available.

V. Offices, shops and business places must be well ventilated and cleaned regularly throughout the day.

The vice president further urged Nigerian to take the instruction and mask wearing this seriously.

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