NGX Premium, Main, Growth Boards- which is best to list on?

NGX Boards

Nigerian Exchange Group, NGX, is a conglomerate with assets listed on its boards by the best enterprises in Africa.

The group markets a diverse catalogue of income securities, exchange-traded products (ETPs), mutual funds and more.

The NGX has 17 indexes and three boards – Premium, Main, and Growth. The NGX Premium Index and Growth Board Index have sometimes been confused with the Premium Board and NGX Growth Board respectively.

NGX boards are listing segments of the stock market where companies can list their assets.

The indexes on the other hand are not entities but measurements instruments for the NGX. They watch and measures the market, assets by companies on the boards or a subset of the stock market.

This service further helps investors compare and calculate market price levels and performances.

More so, NGX indexes are tracking method that follows the performances of a bundle of assets that reflect a particular segment of the market.

On that note, which NGX board is best to list on?

Listing on NGX Boards

There is no better NGX board as listing depends on a companies foundation capability to meet standards.

Aside from that, the NGX has minimum requirements that companies must meet to join any of its boards.

The NGX Main Board houses reliable or model companies that have verifiable history. It supports sectoral and geographical diversity and mostly requires a commitment to high standards.

The NGX Premium Board admits an elite group of issuers that meet the firm corporate governance and listing standards.

Strick adherence to international best practices on corporate governance and meet NGX’s high​est standards of capitalization and liquidity is fundamental to the Premium Board.

The NGX Growth Board targets MSMEs, SMEs, growth-oriented and fast-growing companies. It admits small capital companies from various sectors including technology and grants assess to its vast number of investors.

Companies on the NGX growth board leverage the capital market to raise capital and spur growth.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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