Learning Apps That Students in Africa Must Try Now

Learning Apps For Students in Africa

Many students in Africa had their term exams before the stay at home and some are taking online classes arranged by their school. However, there’s a lot of time to spare for students in Africa and that can be used for some self-development including taking IQ and trivia test on learning apps.

A number of learning apps on the internet can help you do that, but to save you time, we have picked some of the best ones. These apps will also allow you to stay connected to friends during the lockdown.

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There is no need to wait until the coronavirus lockdown in major cities in Africa is over before getting back to learning.

Kahoot – This is a favourite learning tool for many people and works both for adults and kids. Can be used by many players at ones. It is also a popular learning tool in schools. Kahoot offers multiple-choice questions and players have to select which one best answers the question.

Languages Learning Apps – Self-development is not complete without an effort to learn about other people’s languages and culture. There are a variety of languages in Africa which includes French, English, Spanish, Swahili, and Portuguese. But there is no reason not to learn a different one from your mother tongue.

Having tried learning many languages including French, Portuguese and Norwegian, we just want to encourage more people to try them. Some of our favourites language learning apps include Babel and Duolingo.

Trivia Crack – This mobile enables friends to test each other’s knowledge from anywhere. You can get into competitions with your school mates but also against many different people around the world. Trivia crack is based its question on six educational categories including art, entertainment, history, geography and science.

Students in Africa don’t have to wait for the lockdown to be over, these learning apps will grow your minds.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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