Power Ministry Launches SCADA, Electric Monitoring System in EKEDP

Electric Monitoring System

Electric Monitoring System, Nigeria

The Ministry of power in Nigeria has announced the launch of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, SCADA system for the Eko Electricity Distribution Company EKEDP network.

This is the first SCADA system in West Africa and according to President Muhammadu Buhari who gave a speech during the launch, it will hopefully translate to “improved service delivery to customers within EKEDP’s network”.

SCADA is an important technology in the power distribution business which will enable the ministry to monitor and respond quickly to faults and reduce the outage durations.

The Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) supported the project and the President acknowledged their input through the Nigeria Electricity Market Stabilization Facility in 2015. He said that the “facility from the CBN significantly led to the successful completion of this project”.

Central Data Management and Electric Monitoring

A Central Data Management System has also been launched by the Ministry of Power. It is a digital platform for electrification planning and monitoring under the umbrella of the Nigeria Sustainable Energy for All initiative.

This initiative is part of its efforts to digitalize the Nigerian power sector using new innovative digital technologies.

The power sector in Nigeria is facing a number of issues and this process will help address many challenges.

The FG also recently began distributing meters under its National Mass Metering Program. It will address several metering gaps and eradicate estimated billing through the program.

More so, it will protect and ensure the safety of customers while protecting the revenues of the DisCos.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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