Coronavirus (COVID-19) is Now a Pandemic – What is a Pandemic?

Coronavirus Pandemic

The World Health Organisation W.H.O has now declared coronavirus a pandemic. Haven grown to over 100 countries, coronavirus instantly qualifies as one pandemic. Experts and epidemiologist have fro weeks pointed that coronavirus should have already been declared a pandemic. WHO finally agrees it appears.

The had feared to use that description for COVID-19 to avoid creating a perception that the virus can not be stopped. Moreso, they try to avoid demoralising countries from trying to contain it.

What is a pandemic and why is coronavirus is one?

The word pandemic should not be used carelessly as Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, chief of the W.H.O. said at a news conference in Geneva.

The WHO in 2010 defined a pandemic as the spread of a new disease that affects a people worldwide.

The C.D.C. also has a definition for a pandemic. They have defined a pandemic an epidemic that has spread across continents, affecting a huge number of people.

W.H.O has now put an S.O.S alert on the virus.

Earlier today, Thailand put a travel restriction to all 18 countries that hold the Visa on Arrival grant with the country. Even Thai citizens on a trip will now need a health certificate to get back home.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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