Things to do at home as lockdown take effect in major cities in Africa

Self-isolation and lockdown ordered by the government in major cities in Africa are taking effect. This will provide a lot of idle time that many long to have for years. This spare time could be used to achieve a number of things on an old to-do list. It should not be difficult for anyone in Africa to find what to do at home during the isolation. Here are some inspirations too.

Things to do at home while in lockdown in Africa

Tidy up the house and get rid of unwanted items: Go through some of the less used items in your home and remove the unwanted ones. Tidy your closet and rearrange your apartment to create more room for ventilation.

Staying home would require some outside time on the balcony, porch and garden not just staying indoors. Some outdoor activities are possible in the backyard which is why you should also use this time to cleanout.

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Work on household assignments

These kinds of projects can wait on the to-do list forever and you keep postponing due to work. Take time now work on them and check them off. Repaint, wash windows, fix switches, clean out gadgets like computers and gaming sets.

Play with the kids 

A full day with the kids is hard to come by and the isolation period is a good time to play with the kids. Show them how to be creative and imaginative with items in the house as well as with school equipment like crayons and markers.

Read Also: How to take care of your mental health in isolation

Learn new languages and instruments

Though you might not see the need to learn other languages now. But it is necessary to speak at least one other language other than your mother tongue and also to improve your English accent. Get language apps or language learning tools and if possible take language courses online.

New skills such as cooking, art and instruments are also valuable and you will need them in some vocation later in life. Youtube sometimes have some great collections to learn new skills.

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Christina Ngene

Content creator focusing on finance and business with five years of experience and a foundation in forex analysis.

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