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Nigeria Must Prepare to Stop Coronavirus From Spreading

Coronavirus Spreading in Nigeria

Coronavirus Spreading in Nigeria (Photo: Unsplash/Martha Dominguez de Gouveia)

The fear of coronavirus just rose with the first case in Nigeria since the outbreak in January. The good thing about Nigeria is that the people work together to stop problem like a coronavirus from spreading more than they in other things.

People are mindful of the virus and are getting involved where they can like the Nigerian driver who drove the Italian indicating. There is a chance more people could have been in contact with the now hospitalized Italian but it is too early to say.

Since scientists hardly understand all about the virus, what they advice is the best chance of staying safe. They also advise people to prepare for the worst. The most important thing to do at this time is to stay calm according to US experts. 

How to prevent coronavirus, Covid-19 from spreading in Nigeria

Stay Calm – People have to recognize this as a global battle and treat people nicely or risk increasing the chances of people hiding the infection to avoid stigmatisation. There’s is no need to fret if there is a sick person around. Just stay calm and simply walk away and try to get the sick person assistance if the situation permits. Like most respiratory diseases, novel coronavirus is survivable and the stats show that.

Be guided

Regularly wash the hands

Know the map of affected countries 

Nose and mouth should be covered properly when sneezing

Stay away from crowdy places this period 

Stay home from work or school if sick and drink more fluids

Don’t touch the eyes, nose and mouth

Where to buy the specialized N95 mask in Nigeria and how to use it

The common mask sold in pharmacies in Nigeria leaves some space to let the virus gain entrance. The N95 mask is better at preventing coronavirus, though medical experts warn that there is no need for masks 

These masks are mostly available online and getting in Nigeria might be a little tricky. More so, it is complicated to use without the help of medical professionals.

The N95 masks need to be fitted properly and even tested before it can be used.

Visit the NCDC website and the World Health Organization, to stay informed. Avoid misinformation spreading about the virus.

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