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Coronavirus Lockdown – How to take care of your mental health

Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus situation is triggering a lockdown and leading to unemployment, decrease in economic activities and reduction in oil prices. The outbreak is persisting and every effort to get it under control is proving difficult. This is doing some damage to the minds of people around the world who have been asked to self isolate to help curb the spread.

Social isolation can interfere with the well-being of the mind and stir up feelings of loneliness. Staying healthy during quarantine and social distancing would require following certain tactics including:

Playing lots of music, reading inspirational books.

Napping to rest the mind and taking short walks around the home that does not break quarantine orders.

Talk to people on phone and use Netflix Party to watch movies with friends from anywhere without having to go out.

Organize your house, makeup with friends and also try to reconnect with people who you lost contact with. 

Write your experiences or stories about a coronavirus event you witnessed and send it to news sites. Contact us at if you have a story.

While taking these steps will ease anxiety, it is also important to not hide away due to the stigma around mental health issues. There are many uncertainties linked to the spread of the virus. These uncertainties can cause stress to the mind while on coronavirus lockdown. If economic activities don’t reopen soon and schools stay closed many people will begin to function unnaturally.

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